When a Marquis Commands and Captain Hardesty's Legacy Available Now!

From There to Here
This is "there" forty-plus years ago with my first horse, a photo taken by my father in the San Fernando Valley, CA

To "here" 2023
Thanks for stopping by. Last year, I started a new series about women of adventure in the west. It's set in the era post Civil War and before the turn of the century. I spent so much of my youth in my aunt's museum, The Old General Store, that the time period feels "at home" to me. The series started with Avenue to Heaven, followed by No Easy Street, and next is Drover's Lane, available now.
Hermione's Reverie is available now. I really like how the cover turned out for Hermione, a story dedicated to Sandman, my constantly missed sheltie. He had a personality much like Puddin.
When it comes to fantasy, I've also started another trilogy, Seasons of War, in the same world as the Seasons of Time trilogy. The first book of that series is The Gracarin, and the next, Out of the Sea is available now:
Also shooting for an addition to the YA Songs of Atlantis fantasy series Dragon Air in 2024 and a new fantasy series.
Please note the addition of the poetry of my dear friend, Mia Phoebus, who passed away on 10/08/16. She asked me to promote and care for her works after her passing. We put together her last collection, And If... in May. Purchase includes a free MP3 and downloads of Mia reciting her poetry and philosophical observations. The link is in the drop down selections above.
The "From There to Here" comes from the idea of how we are changed by events in our lives, just as characters in a story must adapt, grow and move on. Much has happened to change me, and I love incorporating how life and looking back can help us, and the people in my stories, evolve. That shows up in my blog (yes, yet another blog) and the site for that is http://historyfanforever.wordpress.com/ for my take on history and film reviews and snippets from works in progress.
Thanks for stopping by. Last year, I started a new series about women of adventure in the west. It's set in the era post Civil War and before the turn of the century. I spent so much of my youth in my aunt's museum, The Old General Store, that the time period feels "at home" to me. The series started with Avenue to Heaven, followed by No Easy Street, and next is Drover's Lane, available now.
Hermione's Reverie is available now. I really like how the cover turned out for Hermione, a story dedicated to Sandman, my constantly missed sheltie. He had a personality much like Puddin.
When it comes to fantasy, I've also started another trilogy, Seasons of War, in the same world as the Seasons of Time trilogy. The first book of that series is The Gracarin, and the next, Out of the Sea is available now:
Also shooting for an addition to the YA Songs of Atlantis fantasy series Dragon Air in 2024 and a new fantasy series.
Please note the addition of the poetry of my dear friend, Mia Phoebus, who passed away on 10/08/16. She asked me to promote and care for her works after her passing. We put together her last collection, And If... in May. Purchase includes a free MP3 and downloads of Mia reciting her poetry and philosophical observations. The link is in the drop down selections above.
The "From There to Here" comes from the idea of how we are changed by events in our lives, just as characters in a story must adapt, grow and move on. Much has happened to change me, and I love incorporating how life and looking back can help us, and the people in my stories, evolve. That shows up in my blog (yes, yet another blog) and the site for that is http://historyfanforever.wordpress.com/ for my take on history and film reviews and snippets from works in progress.
There's a rule that a writer must stick to one genre, but I can't be limited like that. My brain won't stay in one box and insists that I listen to whatever the dream is for that day, that book, or that theme. And yes, I still work on an old-fashioned PC then load everything to a laptop.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your readership. It's wonderful seeing your names on reviews, and I take all of your suggestions to heart.
Now that you've read this far, you get what I mean about my ideas flying from one thing to another. But nothing stops me from scribbling. There's only one other thing I'd rather be doing and that's theater, acting or crew, doesn't matter. The stage is where I learned to create and what helped me realize characters on the page. Because for me, they're real.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate your readership. It's wonderful seeing your names on reviews, and I take all of your suggestions to heart.
Now that you've read this far, you get what I mean about my ideas flying from one thing to another. But nothing stops me from scribbling. There's only one other thing I'd rather be doing and that's theater, acting or crew, doesn't matter. The stage is where I learned to create and what helped me realize characters on the page. Because for me, they're real.